An overview of the projects laggers are working on. Please keep this list up to date.

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Active projects

Project Description People involved
Radio Streaming and broadcasting experiments collective
proxycafe Workshops, meetings and presentations proxycafe
Mate Brewing mate soda collective
?Renovation Fixing up lag collective
IOT Liberation Liberating IOT "Smart" devices collective

Dormant projects

Project Description People involved
Food making food
Cryptocafe Tour A tour in different autonomous spaces totalreset, collective, maybe you?
Read Reading/watching/discussing media collective
Madboxes DIY MIDIControllers/Noise generators totalreset, collective
Darkroom developing photo's with traditional and alternative techniques g
netjack at LAG audio networking cassette
analogue food figuring out cheap food analogues
?Noisebox Educational noisebox kits groente
Digisound Renovation Restoring our modular to former glory dreamer, groente
GhostHunting Building things that can find invisible things
LagMobile Building a lagmobile collective
Bread Baking bread hark
Etchings Etching PCB's dreamer
Gl.inet Fun with minirouters webmind
LAGauge Data display webmind
PTT-TE-400-1 phone phreakery webmind
DelayDelayDelay dubbing with diy delay dreamer
Mod64 turning C= 64's into synths dreamer, groente
S2000 Sample mania dreamer
LAGAYAB Full automated knitting communism dreamer
CREAM Box Give us money! dickreckard

Finished projects

Project Description People involved
[Lag Music Compilation Realising Music totalreset, collective
BinnenNet Networking the binnenpret j
Eurocrack Modular madness dreamer, groente
InterPret Connecting to 020wireless hark, j
ButtonSpace An open/closed sign connecting to an API dreamer
We Hosting project that became disroot fekete, mpthx