“Merge conflicts”:
Git between Workspace Surveillance and Historical Record
2022-10-21 Friday 19:00 @ LAG lab
If media shapes space and time and thus human experience, then Git is a particularly interesting medium, because its aim and purpose is the writing of a decentralised history featuring parallel timelines, bifurcations and milestones. Merge conflicts arise when time is out of joint, and the programmer was born to set them right. While Git is the lofty format in which contemporary software heritage is passed on, it also serves a more mundane role as the time clock of software developers at the workplace. In this event, we take a theoretical and practical look at Git’s role in social conflicts around memory and forgetting, within geopolitical power struggles, between workers and management, and in our personal computer toolbox.
- 19:00: Presentation, debate and dinner: “Merge Conflicts in Git”
- 20:30: Hacking, learning and research with Git: “Never Rewrite History”
Lineup featuring…
- Harry Braverman on labour process theory → Labor and Monopoly Capital
- Gilles Deleuze on control society → “Postscript on the Societies of Control”
- Friedrich Kittler on time axis manipulation → “Real Time Analysis”
- Wolfgang Ernst on media archaeology → Chronopoetics